Hope into Action UK

Hope into Action UK

The UK faces a profound homelessness crisis.

Hope into Action empowers the church to respond. We create homes for those who have been homeless.

We want to empower the local church to house the homeless in their community.

Our vision is for "Every Church lovingly making a home for people who have been homeless."
Our mission is "To mobilise, unite and unleash Christian prayer, investments, donations and relationships to fight the injustice of homelessness."
Ways to donate to Hope into Action
  • Become a Regular Giver - click 'donate' and set up a monthly, quarterly or annual regular gift 
  • Make a one off donation - click 'donate' and select one off donation
  • Fundraise for us - simply click the 'start a fundraiser' button at the top of the page to get started
  • Cheque donations - Make cheque payable to Hope into Action and send to Hope into Action, 24-26 North Street, Peterborough, PE1 2RA 
  • Standing order - The Cooperative Bank, Hope into Action UK, Sort Code: 08-92-99, Account Number: 65420560

If you have any questions regarding donating or fundraising for Hope into Action, please contact [email protected]   

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